Posts Tagged ‘Manic Depression’

Underrated By You? Hendrix Anthems For Me!

November 3, 2012

I’ve been around for a while now and I can’t remember too often anyone making too much noise about the next few songs I’m going to feature here. In keeping with the fact that this blog is basically about championing the underdog and keeping a level head about fame and celebrity… Why is it that for all the Jimi Hendrix lovers out there, they never give mention to his more thought provoking songs? Well, I have always loved those songs. There was a depth to his musicianship and song-writing that often gets overlooked but fans and aficionados alike.

Manic Depression

51st Anniversary

Love or Confusion

I Don’t Live Today

Thank you. As you all know, you just can’t believe everything you see and hear, can you. Now, If you will excuse me, I must be on my way…